Discover design tips for creating a joyful spring interior.
Spring brings an abundance of colors to the exterior as well as to the interior. All colors of the spectrum transform furniture and decor into a joyful landscape. Vibrant colors can be found in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and bathroom.
Floral motifs refresh the interior and make it more energetic.
Spring symbolizes awakening; therefore, vibrant colors dominate over the neutral tonalities. One of the main reasons for this is the more frequent appearance of the Sun, because, the grass seems greener, flowers look more colorful, and everything appears to be smiling on a sunny day.
Spring Decorating Ideas in the Colors of Nature
Spring decorations are inspired by the variety of colors that Nature gives us at the time of her blooming. Yellow, green, blue, red, and purple, as well as many other colors, are all part of the canvases painted by Mother Nature.
To design an interior that is in harmony with Nature, enrich it with all the splendor of her colors. Joyous hues can be found anywhere – in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room, bathroom.
Colorful imagination is at home in the children’s rooms.
The yellow and green with the addition of floral designs on fabrics and furniture, transform the interior into a cheerful spring meadow. This refreshing, hot, and cold color duo makes the “Golden Mean” and is suitable for the decoration of every room.
The energy of red color warms every environment while several different tints, tones, and shades of pink create the artistic ambiance. The marriage of blue and orange – forms a refreshing union of colors that complement each other.
Purple is the color of creativity and optimism, therefore, it is a welcome ingredient to any decorative scheme.
Floral Decorations and Fragrances of Nature
This decorative philosophy is also present on the dining table. Tablecloth, napkins, dishes, decorations, flowers – all contribute to the overall aesthetic impression.
Arrange monochromatic or multicolored floral arrangements that will adorn the central part of the dining table.
Wallpapers and wall stickers “paint” spring on the walls. It is advisable to match the patterns on the walls with the ones on the curtains and upholstery.
The scent of spring is created when the vision of natural beauty is complemented by the fragrances of nature; there are essential oils, scented candles and sprays, and even aromatic stones.
Easter Table Decorating Ideas – read the article and have a look at the photos.
The Joyful Colors of Spring – Inspirational Quotes and Lovely Flowers – have a look.
The Symbolism of Colors – find out more.
For more colorful decorating ideas, you are welcome to follow Danica Maricic on Facebook and Instagram.