
I Saloni WorldWide Moscow 2015

I Saloni WorldWide Moscow, the benchmark home furnishing event for Russia and the countries in its geopolitical basin, celebrate their 11th edition from 14 to 17 October.

The figures for the 2014 edition are testament to the importance of the Saloni WorldWide Moscow in accompanying and promoting exhibiting firms on foreign markets: 526 exhibitors (454 Italians and 72 from other countries), 40,483 operators and journalists.

The yardstick for interior concepts, i Saloni WorldWide, recognised as the only vehicle for high-end furnishings on the Russian market, will draw in those attracted by the huge range of goods on offer – from furnishings to upholstereds, lighting systems, kitchens, office furniture, furnishing accessories, bathroom furniture, textiles and coverings.


In complete synergy with i Saloni WorldWide Moscow, also at Crocus Expo and on the same dates, MADE Eventi is presenting MADE expo WorldWide, the event devoted to doors, surfaces and frames.

I Saloni WorldWide Moscow, will be flanked as always by SaloneSatellite, the established launch pad for young designers from Russia and the former Soviet Republics.


The Master Classes, organised in collaboration with ICE, the Agency for the international promotion and internationalisation of Italian companies, will draw in leading sectoral players and provide an opportunity for focus, reflection and discussion on design issues

By Danica Maričić

Interior Designer and Integrated Marketing Communications Pro, Loving Writing and Photography, Passionate about Life & Style, “True Blue” Mediterranean Girl, Curious Traveller & Designer