Eco Design

Happy Earth Day, Every Day – 8 Beautiful Nature-Inspired Photo Quotes

Earth Day is officially celebrated on the 22nd of April, and unofficially – every day. The theme of Earth Day 2024. is Planet vs. Plastics – with an Earth-friendly goal to reduce the production of all plastics by 60% by the year 2040. – thus creating a greener future. In this blog post, discover 8 photo quotes inspired by the beauty of our planet. Earth Day is every day – we love her and care about her. 🙂

More Ocean, Less Plastic

More Ocean, Less Plastic, Happy Earth Day, Every Day - 8 Beautiful Nature-Inspired Photo Quotes,

More Ocean, Less Plastic… We can all make a difference by creating an eco-friendly and sustainable world around us. Here are a couple of suggestions. For instance, when shopping for various products, go for those without packaging or packaged in recyclable materials such as glass or paper. Also, take your eco-friendly shopping bag, made of organic cotton, always with you – instead of piling plastic bags from the shops.

Earth’s Color Palette

trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky. - kahlil gibran, photo quote by

“Trees are poems that the Earth writes upon the Sky.” Khalil Gibran

The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration. Claude Monet,

“The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration. Claude Monet

earth color palette quote from picture,

The richness of the Earth’s color palette creates beautiful landscapes all year long. Discover 15 inspirational quotes and photos of natural sceneries in this related post – Earth Day Is Every Day – 15 Photo-Quotes Inspired by the Earth’s Beauty.

Happy Earth Day – Every Day

Happy Earth Day, Every Day - 8 Beautiful Nature-Inspired Photo Quotes,

Let’s design our lifestyle in a way that helps protect and restore our environment. The happier the planet Earth, the happier we’ll be. Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day, Every Day - 8 Beautiful Nature-Inspired Photo Quotes,

The question we should all be asking ourselves is – will our daily choices help protect and restore the environment in which we all live? What we eat, what we buy, how much water and energy we consume, what form of transport we use, how we design our homes and workspaces, which materials we choose for our furniture and clothes, do we recycle, and how much waste we make… Is our lifestyle eco-friendly and cruelty-free (food, clothes, cosmetics, furnishings, transportation)? These are the decisions we make daily. Discover more in this article – How to Style Your Life in a Go Green Way – 8 Eco-Friendly Tips.

Let’s love, respect, and protect Earth, Happy Earth Day, Every Day - 8 Beautiful Nature-Inspired Photo Quotes,

Let’s love, respect, and protect Earth. Happy Earth Day!

For more Earth-friendly ideas, you are welcome to follow Danica Maricic, Interior Designer, on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and discover these related articles.

By Danica Maričić

Interior Designer and Integrated Marketing Communications Pro, Loving Writing and Photography, Passionate about Life & Style, “True Blue” Mediterranean Girl, Curious Traveller & Designer