Reinkemeier has developed a new, high-quality lawn collection under the luxury living brand. The green living room sets the trend. As soon as the first rays of sunshine are felt in early spring, life shifts to the balcony, terraces and to the garden. Rasen Deluxe is suitable for balconies, winter garden terraces, camping spots, catering, hotels and much more.
Rasen Deluxe is also suitable for sales floor decorations. For example, garden departments can design their sales floors to be much more lively and sophisticated for garden furniture or lawnmowers. The fashion industry has also decorated photo shoots or shop windows with the high-quality Rasen Deluxe.
Rasen Deluxe is always green, resistant to sunlight, sets up fast and easy and does not need to be mowed and is very easy to take care of. Usually, it is only necessary to regularly fluff up the fibres. The Rasen Deluxe collection contains 8 qualities in various price classes.
From 19.99 € / m² for Lanzarote quality to 49.99 € / m² for Teneriffa quality.
The various qualities can be ordered up to a width of400 cmin all desired sizes. Rasen Deluxe can be delivered within 10 days cut to the size specified by the customer. The high-quality presentation shows all 8 qualities on a very small surface.
In addition, 3 large emotion posters are shown with application examples and instructions on how to order. The customer can order the quality and size he desires simply and easily using an order card.