
Dwelling of an architect

Recently, many Milan areas have deeply changed as a result either of the urban architectural redesign or of many buildings, once used for industrial purposes, redestination. Very often, also social changes have influenced entire city blocks’ aspect; one of the best known cases is that of the area between “Porta Genova” and “Navigli” where this apartment, derived from a former laboratory, is located. This area’s nature has suggested the idea of designing a house defined by a series of interconnected spaces occasionally interrupted by the building structure arches. Each room opens on the others: from the bedroom to the study, to the living room till the kitchen. Space continuity is emphasized by the same bookcase repetition. A homogeneity meant to highlight the uniqueness of individual items.

Project by Giuseppe Chigiotti

Photos by Francesco Bolis

By Danica Maričić

Interior Designer and Integrated Marketing Communications Pro, Loving Writing and Photography, Passionate about Life & Style, “True Blue” Mediterranean Girl, Curious Traveller & Designer